The right wine, in the right place, at the right time.
201,128 bottles from 14,571 wineries


Welcome to the 2022 New Orleans Wine and Food Experience International Wine Competition online registration.
Begin by logging in. If you don't have an account with enofileonline, register here.


forgot your password?

don't have an account? Sign Up Here

Welcome SOPEXA Group!

Remember to enter the coupon code SOP14 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome Beverage Trade Network!

Remember to enter the coupon code BTN14 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome Beverage Trade Network!

Remember to enter the coupon code BTNMEL14 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome BACCHUS Capital Management!

Remember to enter the coupon code BACCHUS15 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome New York Wineries!

Remember to enter the coupon code NY15 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome Washington County Wineries!

Remember to enter the coupon code WASHCOUNTY14 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome Oregon Wineries!

Remember to enter the coupon code OREGON14 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome Idaho Wineries!

Remember to enter the coupon code IDAHO14 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome Malesco!

Remember to enter the coupon code MALESCO14 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome Fidelity!

Remember to enter the coupon code FIDELITY15 upon checking out to receive a €10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome SOPEXA Group!

Remember to enter the coupon code SOP15 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome South Korean Government Food & Agriculture Program!

Remember to enter the coupon code aT2015 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome SOPEXA Group!

Remember to enter the coupon code SOPNY16 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome Portugal Wineries!

Remember to enter the coupon code PORT15 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome Uruguay Wineries!

Remember to enter the coupon code UR15 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome Beverage Trade Network!

Remember to enter the coupon code BTN16 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome MHW Ltd!

Remember to enter the coupon code MHW16 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome SOPEXA Group!

Remember to enter the coupon code SOP16 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome park street!

Remember to enter the coupon code PARK20 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome Cider Makers!

Remember to enter the code CIDER16 upon checking out to receive a $15 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Remember to enter the code LL16 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome Finger Lakes Wine Alliance!

Remember to enter the code FLWA17 upon checking out to receive a €10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome Washington State Wine!

Remember to enter the code WAWINE17 upon checking out to receive a €10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)

Welcome to the Press Democrat North Coast Wine Challenge!

Remember to enter the code NORTH2018 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)

Welcome to the 2018 New York International Wine Competition!

Remember to enter the code ADAM18NY upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)

Welcome to the 2018 Berlin International Wine Competition!

Remember to enter the code ADAM18BE upon checking out to receive a €10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)

Welcome to the 2018 West Coast Wine Competition (East Meets West)!

Remember to enter the code WOMENWEST18 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)

Welcome to the 2018 International East Coast Wine Competition!

Remember to enter the code WOMENEAST18 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)

Welcome to the 2018 Asia International Wine Competition!

Remember to enter the code AIWC18 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome Craft Connect!

Remember to enter the code CONNECT19 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome MHW!

Remember to enter the code MHW19B upon checking out to receive a €10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome MHW

Remember to enter the code MHW20NY upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome Washington Wine

Remember to enter the code WASHINGTON19 upon checking out to receive a $10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome BWI

Remember to enter the code BWIC25 upon checking out to receive a $25 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)


Welcome Del Fabro Kolarik!

Remember to enter the coupon code DFK15 upon checking out to receive a €10 discount/entry. (Code is case sensitive)

The New Orleans Wine and Food Experience International Wine Competition is back!

In celebration of our 30th year, we’re proud to bring back the NOWFE Wine Awards. We invite you to enter your wines for three days of judging at the newly opened Four Seasons Hotel in New Orleans, May 23 – 25. Wines submitted to the NOWFE International Wine Competition will be evaluated by a panel of well-respected industry experts and wine judges from across the country.

Competition awards will be presented at the NOWFE event from June 7 – 12. We look forward to having you join us for this anniversary celebration.

Click here for the Winery Registration Fact Sheet