The right wine, in the right place, at the right time.
201,666 bottles from 14,605 wineries

Privacy Policy

Our Commitment To Privacy Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available on our homepage and at every point where personally identifiable information may be requested.
The Information We Collect This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on the EnofileOnline website. The types of personal information collected at these pages are:
  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Credit/Debit Card Information
The Way We Use Information Credit/Debit card information is never stored at EnofileOnline. The card information is securely passed (see next section) to a payment processor. Once the payment processor has processed the card, the card information is erased from all systems.
Personal contact information such as name, address, phone and email is stored on our secure servers. Wine competition managers may use this information for contacting entrants and potential entrants in order to provide notification about events and/or to resolve issues associated with a particular competition. Information is never shared with any company other than competitions who have signed up with EnofileOnline.
Our Commitment To Data Security To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. All data transactions involving sensitive information is secured with Secure Sockets Layer technology.
How You Can Access Or Correct Your Information You can access all your personally identifiable information that we collect online and maintain it by logging in to your account. To protect your privacy and security, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections.
How To Contact Us Should you have other questions or concerns about these privacy policies, please call us at 503.235.8429 or send us an email at